A little progress made on current projects:
1- A large wall hanging commission for a friend. Currently hand embroidering around the edges of the elements.
I'd estimate an eighth of the embroidery complete!
2- The 'Here We Are' challenge piece for the Pagan Team on Etsy. The center area has settled on a design option.
The center has morphed into a unique shape with a center 'cut out'. The fabric I wanted to use there isn't working so I am in the process of making a mosaic of 1 inch squares! I ran out of fusible grid and needed more so will hope to get it ready to iron tonight, then I can spend a few days piecing and getting it ready to quilt!
3- A piece I have been brainstorming for the Deep Spaces Exhibit.
:( no progress.... some design work i my head though!
And the Treasury! The focus is Imbolc, the next Celebration of the Turning of the Wheel and honoring Saint Bridgit. Imbolc is a time of reflection for me, I recall my intentions for the past year and focus on a new year ahead! We will never, ever loose our way to the well! We must all chop wood and haul water!
Welcome! I am a Textile Artist living in Olympia, Washington. This is mostly a journal of my creative projects and thoughts. My work is available for sale on Etsy.com
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Update and 2 more treasuries I am in on Etsy!
I have been busily working on a few projects at once.
1- A large wall hanging commission for a friend. It is ~45 X 72 inches. I am using a graphic design Conan (my 16 year old) drew. There is also the negative of the applique cut out in the wings now. Currently hand embroidering around the edges of the elements.
2- The 'Here We Are' challenge piece for the Pagan Team on Etsy. I have made a circular Bargello with a twist. Much larger than I intended, the center area is settling on a design option. This will be a lap quilt if it doesn't grow any bigger!
3- A piece I have been brainstorming for the Deep Spaces Exhibit. This one will be heavily beaded so I need to be sure and give myself enough time to work on it! Due date is May 2011. But we all know how fast time can move when we aren't paying attention! The whole cloth and borders are cut!
I have been featured in 2 recent treasuries on Etsy! Thanks curators!
I have to work this and next week but get 2, 3 day weekends so looking forward to some home time for working on projects! I am taking pictures of progress along the way. I will potentially post the photos along with the completed pieces when the time comes!
1- A large wall hanging commission for a friend. It is ~45 X 72 inches. I am using a graphic design Conan (my 16 year old) drew. There is also the negative of the applique cut out in the wings now. Currently hand embroidering around the edges of the elements.
2- The 'Here We Are' challenge piece for the Pagan Team on Etsy. I have made a circular Bargello with a twist. Much larger than I intended, the center area is settling on a design option. This will be a lap quilt if it doesn't grow any bigger!
3- A piece I have been brainstorming for the Deep Spaces Exhibit. This one will be heavily beaded so I need to be sure and give myself enough time to work on it! Due date is May 2011. But we all know how fast time can move when we aren't paying attention! The whole cloth and borders are cut!
I have been featured in 2 recent treasuries on Etsy! Thanks curators!
I have to work this and next week but get 2, 3 day weekends so looking forward to some home time for working on projects! I am taking pictures of progress along the way. I will potentially post the photos along with the completed pieces when the time comes!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Treasury I was featured in on Etsy!
Etsy members create unique collections of listings they like.
This Etsy treasury showcases my Evergreen Tree Series Postcard Purple Power!
This Etsy treasury showcases my Evergreen Tree Series Postcard Purple Power!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
More postcards listed on Etsy!

I have been listing postcards! I have about half of them listed already. There are 6.5 X 4.5 inch Holly Stars and Gift boxes, and 4 X 6 inch Evergreen trees.
I am almost finished with 4 Winter Solstice/Yule table toppers. These are a bit smaller than my usual ones and will be great centerpieces or altar covers as well! I'll come back and post images when they are listed!
I have been collecting fabric for a challenge from Pagans of Etsy Street Team I am hosting titled, "We Are Here" in celebration on our new team page on Etsy and all the places we can be found on the web!
I have been playing with design options for a set of zodiac elements I have sitting in the 'do something with these' pile.
Also struggling with a commission for a friend who, thankfully, last night assured me I can take my time until it feels right and to make it so I like it too! Whew! I have been struggling with the graphic design options and not able to cut fabric yet. I am considering using one of Conan's more graphic designs as my inspiration... Ronn looked at some of Conan's work last night and agreed it would be great! Now to see if there is one that speaks to me more than another!
The Art Show/Sale hosted by Friends of the Olympia timberland Library raised over $1000 for their organization with 20% commissions from 27 artists. I sold several things. It encourages me to possibly reach out and participate in more local artist events... we shall see. There is so little free time and I want to spend it all making stuff!
Speaking of time, I am off to work on those table toppers!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
QuiltArt Jewelry Show
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Evergreen Trees Postcard Series and seeing Stars!
I have been working on the Evergreen Trees in Winter Series I started in 2008 in anticipation of the Friends of Olympia Timberland Library Art Show and Sale scheduled for November 20th. I have sold a few of this series in the past, likely in 2008, and did not number them so I don't know how many total there are or will be. One was nearly complete and only needed the binding sewn to the 4 X 6 inch watercolor paper backing. It is in my Etsy shop now. It is titled Thaw, there are beads that look like water drops in the design.
I uploaded an image as it is no longer front and center in my Etsy mini in the side bar. I have completed the beading on 13 more and the next step is to trim them to size, add the binding then sew them to the watercolor paper.
In addition I have begun beading another series I found unfinished. This one is stars that are 4 X 6 inches and all made from different fabrics with holly designs. I am thinking I decided to do these before the binding on the Evergreen Trees because binding is my least favorite step in the production of these postcards. But once completed there will be over 20 to have at the show. I also have a set of postcards with wrapped presents on them. I may simply finish those with binding, no need to bead. We shall see...
I have a pair of jeans I have agreed to hem for a friend. Last night I picked up the right color thread and plan to work on them Friday afternoon. Once back at the machine I hope to get the binding on a few of the trees and maybe a star so I can do the sewing to backing during my standing Saturday 'dinner and a movie' at the above mentioned friend's house! Much easier to sew bindings than it is to bead there.
I continue to collect blue beads, branching out to a bit of periwinkle. I did find and buy five 20mm cobalt blue round beads that are awesome! Then I picked up a few 10, 8, and 6 mm. Several of the 'seed bead' strands I have will take the size down to as low as 2 mm! I am searching for a few 12, 14 or 15 mm. We shall see what I find. The possibility of a 'strand' across the surface of my Deep Space project is appealing to me!
My Physical Therapy has been going well. My knees are improving noticeably, or actually I find myself doing something I haven't been able to do for years and realize my knees are getting better with out being aware of it! Looking forward to a long weekend, not on the schedule to work Saturday. However must get myself there one more day this week!

In addition I have begun beading another series I found unfinished. This one is stars that are 4 X 6 inches and all made from different fabrics with holly designs. I am thinking I decided to do these before the binding on the Evergreen Trees because binding is my least favorite step in the production of these postcards. But once completed there will be over 20 to have at the show. I also have a set of postcards with wrapped presents on them. I may simply finish those with binding, no need to bead. We shall see...
I have a pair of jeans I have agreed to hem for a friend. Last night I picked up the right color thread and plan to work on them Friday afternoon. Once back at the machine I hope to get the binding on a few of the trees and maybe a star so I can do the sewing to backing during my standing Saturday 'dinner and a movie' at the above mentioned friend's house! Much easier to sew bindings than it is to bead there.
I continue to collect blue beads, branching out to a bit of periwinkle. I did find and buy five 20mm cobalt blue round beads that are awesome! Then I picked up a few 10, 8, and 6 mm. Several of the 'seed bead' strands I have will take the size down to as low as 2 mm! I am searching for a few 12, 14 or 15 mm. We shall see what I find. The possibility of a 'strand' across the surface of my Deep Space project is appealing to me!
My Physical Therapy has been going well. My knees are improving noticeably, or actually I find myself doing something I haven't been able to do for years and realize my knees are getting better with out being aware of it! Looking forward to a long weekend, not on the schedule to work Saturday. However must get myself there one more day this week!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Trees Outside My Window ACEO Series Complete
I will be participating in the Friends of Olympia Timberland Library Art Show and Sale in November again this year! Unfortunately there will be a new location away from the Library, I am hoping it wont effect the traffic.
To increase my inventory of smaller more affordable work I have been musing about a new ACEO series. I decided to finish the Trees Outside My Window ACEO series begun in 2008. I have the remainder of the 12 in the series now complete and listed for sale on Etsy!
This is one of my favorites, Knottwood.
I am still brainstorming a new series. In the meantime found and am embellishing another unfinished series! These are trees as well. Over 2 years ago I made an unknown amount of 4 X 6 inch blocks with a variety of solitary evergreen trees. I can not recall how many I originally made. I do know several sold a few years back. I found the remaining 13 that had been layered and machine quilted. Four, so far, are ready to have the binding added then mounted to the watercolor postcard I use as the backing! I don't know if they will hold my interest long enough to finish them all before the brainstorm of a new series jumps out!
The one currently listed in my Etsy shop can be seen in the side bar ---->
They will make nice holiday gifts that can be displayed year round.
I have been looking for my heavy interfacing as part of the brainstorm for the new series. I'm thinking heavy bead embroidery, monochromatic in blue! I have an amazing collection of blue beads, many are cobalt blue. It is the one color I seem most drawn to and I have a great selection of sizes and shapes. I was hoping they would work for the Mirror, Mirrior but it ended up needing a Montana blue. I think the base of these aceos will be the batik I used as the border for Mirror, Mirror... The evergree series is in danger of not getting finished! I can feel it!
I have also begun thinking about ideas for a new call for work:
"The Deep Spaces exhibit, curated by Larkin Jean Van Horn, will show textile works of a common size interpreting the title theme in three venues between July 2011 and June of 2012."
This is a jurried exhibit. The final deadline is not until the first of May, a lot of time from this side looking forward. But I know me and need to get a design selected and started soon so I can take it to completion! I have been looking at Hubble telescope images...
I had a great time at Innovations and now I really want a long arm machine!! Unless a benefactor or the lottery tosses a ton of money my way it will be sometime before that is a reality. In the mean time I am planning to take a class that will then allow me to rent a long arm at Bayside Quilting, a local quilt shop!
I best get myself started for the day, work, ever present, calls my name!
To increase my inventory of smaller more affordable work I have been musing about a new ACEO series. I decided to finish the Trees Outside My Window ACEO series begun in 2008. I have the remainder of the 12 in the series now complete and listed for sale on Etsy!

I am still brainstorming a new series. In the meantime found and am embellishing another unfinished series! These are trees as well. Over 2 years ago I made an unknown amount of 4 X 6 inch blocks with a variety of solitary evergreen trees. I can not recall how many I originally made. I do know several sold a few years back. I found the remaining 13 that had been layered and machine quilted. Four, so far, are ready to have the binding added then mounted to the watercolor postcard I use as the backing! I don't know if they will hold my interest long enough to finish them all before the brainstorm of a new series jumps out!
The one currently listed in my Etsy shop can be seen in the side bar ---->
They will make nice holiday gifts that can be displayed year round.
I have been looking for my heavy interfacing as part of the brainstorm for the new series. I'm thinking heavy bead embroidery, monochromatic in blue! I have an amazing collection of blue beads, many are cobalt blue. It is the one color I seem most drawn to and I have a great selection of sizes and shapes. I was hoping they would work for the Mirror, Mirrior but it ended up needing a Montana blue. I think the base of these aceos will be the batik I used as the border for Mirror, Mirror... The evergree series is in danger of not getting finished! I can feel it!
I have also begun thinking about ideas for a new call for work:
"The Deep Spaces exhibit, curated by Larkin Jean Van Horn, will show textile works of a common size interpreting the title theme in three venues between July 2011 and June of 2012."
This is a jurried exhibit. The final deadline is not until the first of May, a lot of time from this side looking forward. But I know me and need to get a design selected and started soon so I can take it to completion! I have been looking at Hubble telescope images...
I had a great time at Innovations and now I really want a long arm machine!! Unless a benefactor or the lottery tosses a ton of money my way it will be sometime before that is a reality. In the mean time I am planning to take a class that will then allow me to rent a long arm at Bayside Quilting, a local quilt shop!
I best get myself started for the day, work, ever present, calls my name!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Innovations Fabric Challenge Complete
Yesterday afternoon I delivered my entry in Innovations Machine Quilting Convention's Show! I finished it in funny stages. After quilting the center and first border I beaded with the quilting as the guide. I then looked at the center and determined I would likely not have time to embellish the center and as such it needed additional quilting. I returned to quilting the center. Then the binding and sleeve were added but not turned and hand sewn. I beaded the outer border in a beautiful Montana blue seed bead. I was considering a unique flower or berry motive but ended up staying with only the ivy vine.
A detail of the beading shows a bit of the machine quilting of the mirror. There were a lot of starts and stops so opportunities for error.
Over all I think it came out well. If I had had more time I would have embellished the center mirror with silver beads, buttons and charms. Perhaps after it comes home. Cindy Roth the Innovations director said there are a wide variety of Fabric Challenge entries this year. I do not anticipate winning anyhthing but will again appreciate judge's comments. And it is exciting to hang work where tons of people will see it!
Now I can return to getting my house back in order and a ton of current projects screaming for attention! Last night I worked on the Trees Outside My Window ACEO series!

Now I can return to getting my house back in order and a ton of current projects screaming for attention! Last night I worked on the Trees Outside My Window ACEO series!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Working my way to recovery!
July 19th I had bilateral (meaning both knees) full knee replacements. I am recovering slowly. I needed an extra week off work than I had wanted to take but have turned a corner and am making more steady progress toward a full regaining of the range of motion needed to have a full recovery and use of my legs.
Before surgery I had finished piecing the Innovations Fabric Challenge entry. I was unable to get it quilted as I had hoped so I could spend down time while recovering working on embellishing. So, once again I will be pushing the envelope to get it done by the due date. Also my entry submission was late as I was out of contact with the computer until most recently. This means it may not be accepted and I am prepared to face that possibility.
I had planned a much more elaborate quilt, cut the pieces and was ready to construct when I realized I wasn't going to be able to get it pieced in a timely manner. Perhaps that quilt will surface one of these days! Instead I chose to use the batik in a mirror image, creating a unique design and a more manageable size. It will be approximately 17 inches by 38 inches. It is waiting for the living room to return as it is now my convalescing room with the futon open as a bed. Soon it will be folded up and moved to Conan's room as his new bed! He can open it if he wants or sleep on it in couch mode. He is looking forward to getting the queen sized bed out of his room and gaining space!
I have collected all my cobalt blue beads, even purchased several new from Shipwreck Beads before surgery. I plan to embellish the Mirror, and enhance the uniqueness of its design. This is the un-quilted piece.
Before surgery I had finished piecing the Innovations Fabric Challenge entry. I was unable to get it quilted as I had hoped so I could spend down time while recovering working on embellishing. So, once again I will be pushing the envelope to get it done by the due date. Also my entry submission was late as I was out of contact with the computer until most recently. This means it may not be accepted and I am prepared to face that possibility.
I had planned a much more elaborate quilt, cut the pieces and was ready to construct when I realized I wasn't going to be able to get it pieced in a timely manner. Perhaps that quilt will surface one of these days! Instead I chose to use the batik in a mirror image, creating a unique design and a more manageable size. It will be approximately 17 inches by 38 inches. It is waiting for the living room to return as it is now my convalescing room with the futon open as a bed. Soon it will be folded up and moved to Conan's room as his new bed! He can open it if he wants or sleep on it in couch mode. He is looking forward to getting the queen sized bed out of his room and gaining space!
I have collected all my cobalt blue beads, even purchased several new from Shipwreck Beads before surgery. I plan to embellish the Mirror, and enhance the uniqueness of its design. This is the un-quilted piece.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Summer Time!
Things get busy but I don't feel like I have actually done any more than I usually do! Perception is an odd thing!
I recently, in the last month, completed a set of cushions for a friend. He is an avid guitarist who finally found a straight back chair to sit in while he plays. I agreed to help out and made this set of cushions. Considering I didn't have a pattern and it has been years since I did any upholstery work, they came out okay. They are functional and adequate for his long hours of practice/playing. I like the fabric and it matches his other furniture well. We didn't pick it out with that in mind, it just did when I brought them over!
The photo was taken by another friend who has been exploring photography and video production for his developing web site: Smiling Chi
The QuiltArt Challenge has been posted on line, a total of 80 15X15 inch quilts all unique! The QuiltArt Quinceanera! Enjoy! My entry is a crazy quilt I have posted about when it was under construction!
Still Crazy After All These Years!
The statement:
The Quilt Art 15th anniversary challenge called out for velvet and satin, a celebration of 'coming of age,' a Quinceanero. For years I have been collecting materials to 'one day' make a crazy quilt. I think of crazy quilts as the original art quilts, using surface design, often to express a specific meaning. In 2003 I joined QA and participated in my first ever challenge. That was a transitional quilt for me. I began using beads, buttons, baubles and fibers, doodling on the surface of my quilts. I visited hundreds of QA list member's websites,saw the amazing work being done, all the possibilities. QA challenges are often the inspiration for my expression. Designing, piecing and doodling have become the heart of my personal meditations. Challenge themes focus my mind's dialogue. Finding ways to express the accompanying emotions and ideas brings me to greater awareness of myself. Each of the 15 sections went through any number of design transformations before taking their final form. Some are representative of specific ideas, others are purely fantasy.
I'm working on designing my Fabric Challenge entry for this years Innovations Machine Quilting convention in Tacoma, WA. It is an awesome batik! More on this at a later time!
I recently, in the last month, completed a set of cushions for a friend. He is an avid guitarist who finally found a straight back chair to sit in while he plays. I agreed to help out and made this set of cushions. Considering I didn't have a pattern and it has been years since I did any upholstery work, they came out okay. They are functional and adequate for his long hours of practice/playing. I like the fabric and it matches his other furniture well. We didn't pick it out with that in mind, it just did when I brought them over!

The QuiltArt Challenge has been posted on line, a total of 80 15X15 inch quilts all unique! The QuiltArt Quinceanera! Enjoy! My entry is a crazy quilt I have posted about when it was under construction!
Still Crazy After All These Years!

The Quilt Art 15th anniversary challenge called out for velvet and satin, a celebration of 'coming of age,' a Quinceanero. For years I have been collecting materials to 'one day' make a crazy quilt. I think of crazy quilts as the original art quilts, using surface design, often to express a specific meaning. In 2003 I joined QA and participated in my first ever challenge. That was a transitional quilt for me. I began using beads, buttons, baubles and fibers, doodling on the surface of my quilts. I visited hundreds of QA list member's websites,saw the amazing work being done, all the possibilities. QA challenges are often the inspiration for my expression. Designing, piecing and doodling have become the heart of my personal meditations. Challenge themes focus my mind's dialogue. Finding ways to express the accompanying emotions and ideas brings me to greater awareness of myself. Each of the 15 sections went through any number of design transformations before taking their final form. Some are representative of specific ideas, others are purely fantasy.
I'm working on designing my Fabric Challenge entry for this years Innovations Machine Quilting convention in Tacoma, WA. It is an awesome batik! More on this at a later time!
Monday, June 21, 2010
I'm in a new challenge!
Voting up until 6/28. Check it out!
My Entry:
Also available from my Etsy shop!
Primary Practice Pentagon
My Entry:

Primary Practice Pentagon
Saturday, May 22, 2010
New item added to the Sumer Solstice Sale on Etsy & other happenings!
This is the item I added to my 50% off sale today!
See the listing on Etsy if you would like more details about this reusable journal cover!
Look for other items in my shop tagged summersolsticesale!
Yesterday someone from the Yahoo recycle group I belong to came and picked up the 2 Singer treadle machines I have had sitting here. Originally I thought I might refurbish them, which would have been awesome to own a working treadle. However I got reasonable and realized I would rather work on motorized machines. I recently purchased a Singer 15 in a cute little vintage cabinet with a drawer full of fun accessories! It will need rewiring and I am beginning the process of researching that! I am rearranging my house and will take pictures of the new addition once it is in the new spot where I will have space to work on it at my leisure!
Remember the Etsy Pagan Team Summer Solstice Sale! See current items on sale here!

Look for other items in my shop tagged summersolsticesale!
Yesterday someone from the Yahoo recycle group I belong to came and picked up the 2 Singer treadle machines I have had sitting here. Originally I thought I might refurbish them, which would have been awesome to own a working treadle. However I got reasonable and realized I would rather work on motorized machines. I recently purchased a Singer 15 in a cute little vintage cabinet with a drawer full of fun accessories! It will need rewiring and I am beginning the process of researching that! I am rearranging my house and will take pictures of the new addition once it is in the new spot where I will have space to work on it at my leisure!
Remember the Etsy Pagan Team Summer Solstice Sale! See current items on sale here!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Adding a new item at 50% off everyday in my Etsy Shop!

This is my sale item of the day! Was $30 now $15! See the listing here in my Etsy Shop!

The Pagan Team Summer Sale details are in this post:
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Summer Sale!
The Etsy Pagan Team is having a Summer Sale for Solstice!
Each member will determine the specifics of their sale. I have marked items at 50% off! I decided it was time to move out and step up to this adventure and motivate myself to create more!
Today I listed 7 items at 50% off:
I will be adding one item a day to this 50% off sale! Keep checking back to see if your favorite is on sale!
The Team Sale tags are 'summersale' and 'summersolsticesale'
Search Etsy handmade and see all the wonderful items on sale for the Celebration of the Sun!
On a personal note...
I finished and submitted my QuiltArt 15th Anniversary piece, Still Crazy. The submissions were due April 15th, they have not been poted to the group web site yet, I will post here once they have. I look forward to seeing all the amazing tributes to QA!
I continue to sort, organize and de-clutter my living space! We are cleaning and rearranging my 15 year old son's bedroom, an adventure in itself. The cleaning is mostly done, now to put things back in where they can be easily maintained! Not directly Art related but it will allow me more comfort with the level of the overall house organization!
The kitchen arrangement has been set up, now to sort and organize the books, art supplies and stuff to have easy access!
The Etsy Pagan Team is also having a Challenge!
Summer Solstice is quickly approaching, the days are longer, the sunshine is warm and inviting. The sun is and has been many things to many people.
I challenge you to create an item that is your interpretation of this theme. Be as literal as representing the celestial body or reflective of this time of growth and renewal.
I have an entry for the RE challenge waiting for the last step, thread painting, I will post when listed! The fabrics for the Sun Challenge are gathering... I love the brightness of yellows & oranges together!
I am also sewing a set of chair cushions for a friend... hard to cut fabric over $15 a yard! I will post pictures, hopefully, when finished!
I have recently packaged and sold several sets of 100 different fabric fat quarters though my Etsy shop, there is one currently listed:
I have at least one more in my stash, it needs about 20 more different fabrics, I am sure I can find them! We shall see. I already sold 3! Talk about excess fabric! I am keeping a piece of all the fabrics I want, some I have outgrown and am including in the sets!
I best get back to work!
Each member will determine the specifics of their sale. I have marked items at 50% off! I decided it was time to move out and step up to this adventure and motivate myself to create more!
Today I listed 7 items at 50% off:
I will be adding one item a day to this 50% off sale! Keep checking back to see if your favorite is on sale!
The Team Sale tags are 'summersale' and 'summersolsticesale'
Search Etsy handmade and see all the wonderful items on sale for the Celebration of the Sun!
On a personal note...
I finished and submitted my QuiltArt 15th Anniversary piece, Still Crazy. The submissions were due April 15th, they have not been poted to the group web site yet, I will post here once they have. I look forward to seeing all the amazing tributes to QA!
I continue to sort, organize and de-clutter my living space! We are cleaning and rearranging my 15 year old son's bedroom, an adventure in itself. The cleaning is mostly done, now to put things back in where they can be easily maintained! Not directly Art related but it will allow me more comfort with the level of the overall house organization!
The kitchen arrangement has been set up, now to sort and organize the books, art supplies and stuff to have easy access!
The Etsy Pagan Team is also having a Challenge!
In celebration of Earth Day and its 40th Anniversary, April 22, we REmember
our RElationship with the planet. Create an item that helps us be more earth
The emphasis is on recycled elements of our entries. The deadline is now May 28th. I will post a link to the voting once available!
The Etsy Earthpath Artisans Street Team, EAST, is also having a Summer Solstice Challenge!Summer Solstice is quickly approaching, the days are longer, the sunshine is warm and inviting. The sun is and has been many things to many people.
I challenge you to create an item that is your interpretation of this theme. Be as literal as representing the celestial body or reflective of this time of growth and renewal.
I have an entry for the RE challenge waiting for the last step, thread painting, I will post when listed! The fabrics for the Sun Challenge are gathering... I love the brightness of yellows & oranges together!
I am also sewing a set of chair cushions for a friend... hard to cut fabric over $15 a yard! I will post pictures, hopefully, when finished!
I have recently packaged and sold several sets of 100 different fabric fat quarters though my Etsy shop, there is one currently listed:
I have at least one more in my stash, it needs about 20 more different fabrics, I am sure I can find them! We shall see. I already sold 3! Talk about excess fabric! I am keeping a piece of all the fabrics I want, some I have outgrown and am including in the sets!
I best get back to work!
Monday, April 5, 2010
New up date of Etsy Pagan Team Spring Sale!
Wow! Visit all the great shops listed below with their Spring Sale listings!
Solas Candles:
20% off all products - discount will be taken off via paypal
Elephant Walk:
Buy 2 Star Pendants any size and get 1 Small Star Pendant Free! Or buy $35. worth of items out of my shop and get 1 Small Star Pendant Free!
Metaphysical Shoppe:
Tiger Eye Designs:
Proud member of the Pagan Etsy Team, in honor of Spring other members can take 10% off untill April 9th. Just convo me and I will deduct the final price.
Faerie Cupcake:
A few of my items will get fellow members a complimentary tarot reading, 3 cards.
Still beading away on my QA 15th anniversary challenge piece... 9+ sections completed, and fairly solid ideas for several of the remaining sections! "Just keep moving forward, it will get done in time..." if I keep the positive up it will happen! No time to edit pictures, but I am taking progress pictures fairly regularly, helps me gain design perspective, love my digital camera! Will probably post a series of progress images after the 15th.
I actually got some spring cleaning done yesterday! The fridge looks so happy, also one of the cupboards, step by step! I have a new arrangement of the kitchen furniture I want to try, love the perspective changes possible just by sitting somewhere else in the room to look at my design wall. Wish the day job wasn't quite so demanding as it will be this week, going to squeeze as many minutes a day as I can for my beading, we shall see how it goes! Thankfully a whole weekend before the deadline!
Solas Candles:
20% off all products - discount will be taken off via paypal
Elephant Walk:
Buy 2 Star Pendants any size and get 1 Small Star Pendant Free! Or buy $35. worth of items out of my shop and get 1 Small Star Pendant Free!
Metaphysical Shoppe:
Tiger Eye Designs:
Proud member of the Pagan Etsy Team, in honor of Spring other members can take 10% off untill April 9th. Just convo me and I will deduct the final price.
Faerie Cupcake:
A few of my items will get fellow members a complimentary tarot reading, 3 cards.
Still beading away on my QA 15th anniversary challenge piece... 9+ sections completed, and fairly solid ideas for several of the remaining sections! "Just keep moving forward, it will get done in time..." if I keep the positive up it will happen! No time to edit pictures, but I am taking progress pictures fairly regularly, helps me gain design perspective, love my digital camera! Will probably post a series of progress images after the 15th.
I actually got some spring cleaning done yesterday! The fridge looks so happy, also one of the cupboards, step by step! I have a new arrangement of the kitchen furniture I want to try, love the perspective changes possible just by sitting somewhere else in the room to look at my design wall. Wish the day job wasn't quite so demanding as it will be this week, going to squeeze as many minutes a day as I can for my beading, we shall see how it goes! Thankfully a whole weekend before the deadline!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
New Page and Etsy Sale
At the top of this blog there is now a link to a second page where I will be posting pictures and statements of my work that is in private collections, including my own (some things you just can't part with, yet). This page is a work in progress, has only one entry, more to come!
The Etsy Pagan Team I belong to is hosting a Spring Sale from March 14 thru April 14.
My 'sale' is offering free shipping on all items tagged pagansprinsale ! Other participants have offered free gifts, discounts and more!
There are several shops with awesome work available! Have a look!
Solas Candles:
20% off all products - discount will be taken off via paypal
Elephant Walk:
More items may be added through out the month to see more search 'paganspringsale' on Etsy!
The Etsy Pagan Team I belong to is hosting a Spring Sale from March 14 thru April 14.
My 'sale' is offering free shipping on all items tagged pagansprinsale ! Other participants have offered free gifts, discounts and more!
There are several shops with awesome work available! Have a look!
Solas Candles:
20% off all products - discount will be taken off via paypal
Elephant Walk:
More items may be added through out the month to see more search 'paganspringsale' on Etsy!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Just Keep Sewing, Sewing!
I have a little Dory figure on my monitor at work, it reminds me that some days all we can do is keep swimming. When I'm home I like to just keep sewing! I have been working on my QuiltArt 15 year challenge piece, Lots to get done by April 15, but I'm having fun. I've been playing with designs for each section as I played with beads for the first section which will make it easier as I get closer to working on each section. I am gathering materials, beads and baubles for the white and blue sections currently. I realized blue really is my favorite, there are 4 pieces that are blue! So, here are images of the paper piecing pattern, fabric and trim collected, not sure I will use the trims.

I did not win the EAST challenge :( but did win by finishing so many pieces in the series! Yeah! Sales on Etsy are extremely slow...
Have Hilary's pillows ready to sew together, I picked up the zippers last week! Woo Hoo! She settled on 16" as an acceptable size, need to get back to sewing them soon!! It will be a project that has waited over a year to take center stage, silly pillows...
The day job once again calls my name... good thing I like work a lot once I get there! Some days it's the getting there that is difficult!

I did not win the EAST challenge :( but did win by finishing so many pieces in the series! Yeah! Sales on Etsy are extremely slow...
Have Hilary's pillows ready to sew together, I picked up the zippers last week! Woo Hoo! She settled on 16" as an acceptable size, need to get back to sewing them soon!! It will be a project that has waited over a year to take center stage, silly pillows...
The day job once again calls my name... good thing I like work a lot once I get there! Some days it's the getting there that is difficult!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Challenges and their progress...
Today the entries in the Etsy Team EAST Midwinter Challenge are posted to our blog with a poll for picking your favorite! Be sure to visit the blog to see all the awesome work!
East, Earthpath Artisans Blog
My entry is #6 Bridgit's Cross Table Topper

This is one of 6 table toppers I made for this theme! The sixth one still needs quilting but she is layered and ready to go, plans to finish it up this weekend! This is the first time in a long time I have completed an entire series in a timely manner! Typically I will construct several possible entries and only take one all the way to completion before the challenge entries are due. This time I have pushed and gotten them all done! Although St. Bridgit's day was February 1st, these toppers are also very spring like and the border weavings resemble baskets for Ostara, or Easter! Today I put up a second one in my Etsy Shop. I pan to post one every day for the next, now, 4 days! It is nice to have something new to list!
I've also layered and have 2 Ostara table toppers ready to pillow turn and quilt. I'm hoping doing the pillow turn method of backing will facilitate not struggling with the bindings. The Bridgit Cross quilts are edged a bit differently. I turned the top and back in to resemble a pillow turn, they came out good, needed several edge stitching to secure. Doing them as one full turn before quilting ought help. I will try it on the #6 Cross.
I did not complete the Turning of the Wheel challenge piece in time, and it is still in the embellishment phase. The width was too much for a successful mobius strip so I am brainstorming the best way to present it as a circle of the year/seasons. I am thinking a teaching quilt that is stiff enough that when the two ends are joined it can sit on a table and be turned to show the full wheel... another option would be to use the second set of elements, quilt and embellish it then combine them to make a mobius strip that actually turns through 2 full years, but it might be too unwieldy. An idea might be it's connected as a circle to show one of the years or twisted to make a mobius... hum...
I have signed up for the QuiltArt 15th anniversary challenge, Quinceanero, due April 15th. My taxes will have to compete for time! This piece needs to be 15 X 15 inches square. I have been brainstorming/designing possibilities in my head. Nothing sure yet but I am leaning toward a Crazy Quilt type using some cotton velvet I have collected. And I found an awesome black cotton velvet remnant at JoAnn's recently that screamed, "Oh, Oh! Buy me! I will go great with all those other ones you have!" So, yea, I bought it, 50% off is hard to resist. I'm playing with a fan pattern with 15 sections, or maybe bargello. I want to use a traditional pattern, but not a crazy quilt presentation... I hope it settles on an idea soon so I will be able really embellish it to the extreme!
The Greenman of Autumn piece has had the chance to steep a bit an I have come up with a way to embellish it that is better than the original but will incorporate all the original ideas and the 3D pieces I have already made with out having to make more 3D, I think!
At work I have been trying to take a 20 - 30 minute lunch break and go in the seminar room and work on picking the stitches out of the huge Aurora Quilt that is sadly in need of a requilting! It is a nice break and an easy project to work on, I have waited 2+ years to start the picking so any progress is good! I am successful about half the week at getting away from my desk. My machine quilting skills are improving so by the time this one is ready to quilt again I ought be less disappointed with my work.
So much to do, I want more hours in my day!
East, Earthpath Artisans Blog
My entry is #6 Bridgit's Cross Table Topper

This is one of 6 table toppers I made for this theme! The sixth one still needs quilting but she is layered and ready to go, plans to finish it up this weekend! This is the first time in a long time I have completed an entire series in a timely manner! Typically I will construct several possible entries and only take one all the way to completion before the challenge entries are due. This time I have pushed and gotten them all done! Although St. Bridgit's day was February 1st, these toppers are also very spring like and the border weavings resemble baskets for Ostara, or Easter! Today I put up a second one in my Etsy Shop. I pan to post one every day for the next, now, 4 days! It is nice to have something new to list!
I've also layered and have 2 Ostara table toppers ready to pillow turn and quilt. I'm hoping doing the pillow turn method of backing will facilitate not struggling with the bindings. The Bridgit Cross quilts are edged a bit differently. I turned the top and back in to resemble a pillow turn, they came out good, needed several edge stitching to secure. Doing them as one full turn before quilting ought help. I will try it on the #6 Cross.
I did not complete the Turning of the Wheel challenge piece in time, and it is still in the embellishment phase. The width was too much for a successful mobius strip so I am brainstorming the best way to present it as a circle of the year/seasons. I am thinking a teaching quilt that is stiff enough that when the two ends are joined it can sit on a table and be turned to show the full wheel... another option would be to use the second set of elements, quilt and embellish it then combine them to make a mobius strip that actually turns through 2 full years, but it might be too unwieldy. An idea might be it's connected as a circle to show one of the years or twisted to make a mobius... hum...
I have signed up for the QuiltArt 15th anniversary challenge, Quinceanero, due April 15th. My taxes will have to compete for time! This piece needs to be 15 X 15 inches square. I have been brainstorming/designing possibilities in my head. Nothing sure yet but I am leaning toward a Crazy Quilt type using some cotton velvet I have collected. And I found an awesome black cotton velvet remnant at JoAnn's recently that screamed, "Oh, Oh! Buy me! I will go great with all those other ones you have!" So, yea, I bought it, 50% off is hard to resist. I'm playing with a fan pattern with 15 sections, or maybe bargello. I want to use a traditional pattern, but not a crazy quilt presentation... I hope it settles on an idea soon so I will be able really embellish it to the extreme!
The Greenman of Autumn piece has had the chance to steep a bit an I have come up with a way to embellish it that is better than the original but will incorporate all the original ideas and the 3D pieces I have already made with out having to make more 3D, I think!
At work I have been trying to take a 20 - 30 minute lunch break and go in the seminar room and work on picking the stitches out of the huge Aurora Quilt that is sadly in need of a requilting! It is a nice break and an easy project to work on, I have waited 2+ years to start the picking so any progress is good! I am successful about half the week at getting away from my desk. My machine quilting skills are improving so by the time this one is ready to quilt again I ought be less disappointed with my work.
So much to do, I want more hours in my day!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Letting out my inner animal!

Yesterday when my entry to the Quilting Arts Magazine's reader challenge, Let out Your Inner Animal, wasn't selected I was disappointed. Then I reminded myself there were probably over a hundred entries and only 20 were selected. That helped some. Then this morning I read a digest from the Quilt Art list and looked at several other entries that were not selected and realized the 20 that were selected must be amazing if the ones I looked at weren't!
I had intended to make a bear as my inner animal, have him sit beside a stream and maybe Alaskan mountains in the background. When I gathered materials and started putting things together the stream morphed into the ocean. Then the motif from a piece of blue paisley I have been saving popped out and I saw an awesome Nymph! I thought water nymph! But they are fresh water creatures. I looked up Nymph and recalled it is also a stage in some insects development, like a dragonfly. I speculated that like a developing dragonfly I am still developing, growing, changing, both as an individual and as an artist. That set the stage! I added small elements cut from a great water fabric with waves to depict the surf. Another paisley became the tide pool bordered by a rocky outcropping.
I fused the different elements to the green paisley as a foundation. Backed it with freezer paper and free motion quilted the elements. Working on the surf I decided to use a variegated thread and attempt thread painting. I was pleased with this, my first real attempt at thread painting! Once the freezer paper was removed I layered with batting & backing, did a few additional machine quilted lines, then embellished the Nymphs with seed beads and added a few 'rocks' to the beach.
I decided to enter this challenge for sure only the weekend before it was due, so I spent the evenings focused on its completion. I learned I can push myself to create and actually have a result I am pleased with in a very short time frame. The 8.5 X 11 inch format probably helped!
I will be listing this little quiltlet in my Etsy shop. I have not listed anything new for awhile, I anticipate this as the beginning of my next wave of creativity! Working small is interesting!
I have been piecing the 2 challenges due in the next 2 weeks. I am working on the design possibilities for the Quilt art 15 year challenge as well... it is good to be busy!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Here's the Solstice Altar cloth!

So, I have a new again OS back to Windows XP, easier for me to navigate. I have been trying to learn photo editing with a new program and making some progress. The above image is less than optimum! However, I was able to edit and crop the entry for Quilting Arts Magazine Inner Animal Challenge and send the email entry by the deadline- yesterday! I will post an image after I know if my entry was selected, being announced next Tuesday, 1/26!
I'm busy working on Etsy challenges again after taking a week off to do the Quilting Arts Challenge! The Autumn Greenman is taking a back seat. I have designed a different option to represent The Turning of the Wheel. I am looking forward to seeing if I can make it a mobius strip out of a representation of the seasons that is continuous. That's the plan for now.
Will see if I can get back to regular short posts... always a good goal!
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