My word for 2012 is SIMPLIFY...
I have been busy organizing my living/working space since the holiday show rush was over for me early in the month. It went well, I made good sales! I am going to prepare my inventory for Spring shows. Trying to get my nerve up once again to seek a space for Spring Arts Walk... we shall see.
Have been making a running list of what I have done the last 2 4 day weekends in a word document, just to track my momentum and keep it going. I do not have to get it all done in one day.
So far:
~Sorted boxes of 'saved' paperwork from 2009, and 2010! Silly stuff! Most recycled.
~My fabric is nearly all sorted, will keep picking away at the assorted boxes of scraps and 'projects.'
~Took stuff to the Goodwill. Have started another collection to take (But I did pick up a new skirt, a shirt and a sweater!)
~Added items to the 'Destash' box for the Olyteam Etsy meeting this week.
~Have a couple bags of books to donate to the Books Beans and Brownies Book Sale Saturday, February 25, 2012 10:00 AM-4:00 PM OUUC
~I have a greater awareness of my unfinished objects pile, wanting to find the best way to store and access these, as well as prioritize! The word doc will help with that!
~Had an email exchange with Ruthann Eckersley and purchased a pattern from her web site: Ruths Machine Quilting for a great table topper made with strada the way bargello quilts are! It's called Sew Easy Strata Star and I have permission to use the pattern and sell items I make. Look for these in the near future! I do not typically use patterns from other designers, but I saw a sample and this woman's pattern at Bayside Quilting and it is really a nice potential use of color and I have some great collections waiting a good place to show off.
(Some how convincing myself it isn't a new project if it is using fabric I already have. Semantics are my friend.)
~Ready to rearrange furniture in the sewing area of the living room for better access, visual appeal.
Did a bit of retail therapy at JoAnn's for some great fabric 40% off, saved $20+ on a large piece 5 yards I think, a great paisley! Also at Bayside some 50% off great blue Zodiac for the backing to a quilt in the UFO pile!
I haven't finished my reorganizing binge, but good progress!
For the last month to 6 weeks I have been working on beading/embellishing Ronn's commission at his house on the evenings we watch a movie and visit. I am making progress, nice to finally see myself put needle and thread to it. No good pictures at the moment. It will be interesting to see how long it takes me to take this one to completion. I am leaving all the beads out there with a folding table. I was provided with a really nice LED clip on light I clip to a little plastic drawer thing that hold the current beads I am using, to get good light on the working surface. It also leaves me home time to do other projects and not feel I am skipping out on Ronn's. I do have to say though that the beading is going much faster that the outline blanket stitch of the design elements. That's nice.
Have a hanging for a customer to get done for next weekend at the Weekend Market, will plan to do that Friday the 6th. Will be at Market January 7th & 8th 10 to 5!
So sad day, no pics in this post :(
Looking forward to a fantastic 2012! A year of change and awakenings!
Welcome! I am a Textile Artist living in Olympia, Washington. This is mostly a journal of my creative projects and thoughts. My work is available for sale on
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Show off time...
A few things happened in October!
Last week the quilt on loan to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center came home! Ground Water has returned to the owner. I very much appreciated the loan! It was a pleasure to see it again, eben if only for a little bit.

In addition:
~ I finished the series of Sugar skull ACEOs and Postcards uploaded them here on a new blog page.
I picked up spice gumdrops today to honor my maternal grandmother at an upcoming Dumb Feast. My sister and I have been playing Scrabble on line. Growing up my mom and grandmother played every time we visited. Preparing for All Soul's Day is an act of mindfulness of those who have gone before me.
~I scanned the 12 finished Stonehenge inchie pendants uploaded an photo to Facebook on my fan page. Check it out if you want more frequent updates than my blog:
~ Also an image of 3 of the 4 sugar skull pendants that are 1.5 X 3 inches. I sold one at a craft show last weekend! I was out at the Carlyon Beach Craft Fair. The call went out at the last minute and I was accepted. I had a great experience and hope to do it again!

I have additional inchies in the Stonehenge Abstract left overs and a few sugar skull inchies, also larger pieces to bead. Tomorrow I will go see Nancy at the Weekend Market down town Olympia and pick up more base metal blanks for making more pendants, these are low price point items for the 3 upcoming events I mentioned in my last entry! I will post them here again!
Upcoming November shows....
Olympia Weekend Market
November 5th (Saturday 9 - 4) & November 6th (Sunday 10 - 5)
[Repeats every first weekend of the month, December 3 & 4 for last minute local shopping!]
Resident Council's Annual Holiday Bazaar
Mother Joseph Care Center
3333 Ensign Road, Olympia, WA 98506
November 11th (Friday 10am to 4pm)
Local vendors will be selling holiday decorations, cards, jewelry, and other hand crafted items. An opportunity for residence and guests to shop.
Holiday Crafts Showcase at North Thurston High School
600 Sleater Kinney Rd, Lacey, WA
Sponsored by Lacey's Community Enrichment Program
November 12th (Saturday 9am-3pm)
~Here are the Mirror Mirror 4 ACEOs, a great batik and thread painting/quilting. They are in my Etsy Shop ACEO section.

~ I found the bargello elements for an Autumn table topper, yet to be sewn, perhaps today?
I haven't listed the Stonehenge ACEOs yet, could happen any day. They still need photo editing. Today was a blog day. And I really wanted to finish and put away the sugar skull altar cards.
I have stew in the crock pot this rainy afternoon, will give me time to get several more things done before evening draws my day home from the 'day job' to a close!
Last week the quilt on loan to the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center came home! Ground Water has returned to the owner. I very much appreciated the loan! It was a pleasure to see it again, eben if only for a little bit.

In addition:
~ I finished the series of Sugar skull ACEOs and Postcards uploaded them here on a new blog page.
I picked up spice gumdrops today to honor my maternal grandmother at an upcoming Dumb Feast. My sister and I have been playing Scrabble on line. Growing up my mom and grandmother played every time we visited. Preparing for All Soul's Day is an act of mindfulness of those who have gone before me.
~I scanned the 12 finished Stonehenge inchie pendants uploaded an photo to Facebook on my fan page. Check it out if you want more frequent updates than my blog:
~ Also an image of 3 of the 4 sugar skull pendants that are 1.5 X 3 inches. I sold one at a craft show last weekend! I was out at the Carlyon Beach Craft Fair. The call went out at the last minute and I was accepted. I had a great experience and hope to do it again!

I have additional inchies in the Stonehenge Abstract left overs and a few sugar skull inchies, also larger pieces to bead. Tomorrow I will go see Nancy at the Weekend Market down town Olympia and pick up more base metal blanks for making more pendants, these are low price point items for the 3 upcoming events I mentioned in my last entry! I will post them here again!
Upcoming November shows....
Olympia Weekend Market
November 5th (Saturday 9 - 4) & November 6th (Sunday 10 - 5)
[Repeats every first weekend of the month, December 3 & 4 for last minute local shopping!]
Resident Council's Annual Holiday Bazaar
Mother Joseph Care Center
3333 Ensign Road, Olympia, WA 98506
November 11th (Friday 10am to 4pm)
Local vendors will be selling holiday decorations, cards, jewelry, and other hand crafted items. An opportunity for residence and guests to shop.
Holiday Crafts Showcase at North Thurston High School
600 Sleater Kinney Rd, Lacey, WA
Sponsored by Lacey's Community Enrichment Program
November 12th (Saturday 9am-3pm)
~Here are the Mirror Mirror 4 ACEOs, a great batik and thread painting/quilting. They are in my Etsy Shop ACEO section.

~ I found the bargello elements for an Autumn table topper, yet to be sewn, perhaps today?
I haven't listed the Stonehenge ACEOs yet, could happen any day. They still need photo editing. Today was a blog day. And I really wanted to finish and put away the sugar skull altar cards.
I have stew in the crock pot this rainy afternoon, will give me time to get several more things done before evening draws my day home from the 'day job' to a close!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Oh My, what a whiner I can be!
When I update my blog I revisit my last post so I can be relevant... note to self, stay positive, I didn't even want to finish reading the post ... perspective is powerful, as always! Also finding typos in previous posts is humbling...
This is my favorite time of year, the season to celebrate all things Autumn.
Doing a bit of organizing today, hope to see a marked improvement in my working space.
Looking to see if there are supplies/stuff I want to 'exchange' at the next Etsy Olyteam Meeting November 5th. A great group of local artisans and sellers from
Upcoming November shows....
Olympia Weekend Market
November 5th (Saturday 9 - 4) & November 6th (Sunday 10 - 5)
[Repeats every first weekend of the month, December 3 & 4 for last minute local shopping!]
Resident Council's Annual Holiday Bazaar
Mother Joseph Care Center
3333 Ensign Road, Olympia, WA 98506
November 11th (Friday 10am to 4pm)
Local vendors will be selling holiday decorations, cards, jewelry, and other hand crafted items. An opportunity for residence and guests to shop.
Holiday Crafts Showcase at North Thurston High School
600 Sleater Kinney Rd, Lacey, WA
Sponsoered by Lacey's Community Enrichment Program
November 12th (Saturday 9am-3pm)
I completed an ACEO series of Gray Doodles. I had a hard time photo editing, they are listed in my shop but look so much better in real life!

I finished 16 of the Seam Allowance Stonehenge Abstract series ACEOs. Soon to be listed in my shop!

I finished 12 Seam Allowance Stonehenge Abstract series inchies, as pendants! No photos yet!
I decided the Mirror Mirror 4 ACEOs are complete without embellishment, I love the batik and the thread painting/quilting seems to be all they need. Needs photos as well.
Still in the works:
ACEOs Stonehenge with Standing stones, there are - 7, ironed on freezer paper ready to thread paint, I have gray in the machine ought to do that soon!
Ronn's commission:
I cut the hanging sleeve and strips to use for facing from the backing fabric. Have decided to not bind this one. I am getting closer to embellishment potential... in my head.
No progress on Deep Spaces, but have been gathering a few more specific beads to consider.
Will try to locate the bargello elements for an Autumn table topper I have in a box, somewhere!
Playing with 'Ask me about my Etsy shop flags' from the Spoonflower fabric, likely 2 sided. What to use for sticks and stands?
The inevitable new stuff:
Day of the Dead Table runner/toppers altar cloths for Samhain, and other Day of the dead celebrations. Plan an ACEO series that will sport hand sharpie designs on skull beads I picked up at the craft store. Well, that's the plan anyway! Fabric is washed and machine dried! I won't let myself start....
Also washed fabric for Darcy's Commission, Harvest Moon~ brainstorming the quilting design, getting there in my head... The actual construction will be straight forward.
Picked up some fun fabric at the Weekend Market. A Christmas paisley and a harvest scene. Over 2 yards of each, already washed and dried. Also washed 3+ yards of a pre-sewn patchwork fabric I got on Christmas clearance last year, table topper/runner backs perhaps.
I want to finish as many lap sized quilts for Mother Joseph Bazaar as I can, I have quite a list of tops waiting to be quilted!
I find it very hard to photograph beaded textiles, another skill I am developing, slowly! Also need to find out if I can get my scanner to make a jpeg not a copy. Better imaging for the ACEOs. So much to learn so little time!
This is my favorite time of year, the season to celebrate all things Autumn.
Doing a bit of organizing today, hope to see a marked improvement in my working space.
Looking to see if there are supplies/stuff I want to 'exchange' at the next Etsy Olyteam Meeting November 5th. A great group of local artisans and sellers from
Upcoming November shows....
Olympia Weekend Market
November 5th (Saturday 9 - 4) & November 6th (Sunday 10 - 5)
[Repeats every first weekend of the month, December 3 & 4 for last minute local shopping!]
Resident Council's Annual Holiday Bazaar
Mother Joseph Care Center
3333 Ensign Road, Olympia, WA 98506
November 11th (Friday 10am to 4pm)
Local vendors will be selling holiday decorations, cards, jewelry, and other hand crafted items. An opportunity for residence and guests to shop.
Holiday Crafts Showcase at North Thurston High School
600 Sleater Kinney Rd, Lacey, WA
Sponsoered by Lacey's Community Enrichment Program
November 12th (Saturday 9am-3pm)
I completed an ACEO series of Gray Doodles. I had a hard time photo editing, they are listed in my shop but look so much better in real life!

I finished 16 of the Seam Allowance Stonehenge Abstract series ACEOs. Soon to be listed in my shop!

I finished 12 Seam Allowance Stonehenge Abstract series inchies, as pendants! No photos yet!
I decided the Mirror Mirror 4 ACEOs are complete without embellishment, I love the batik and the thread painting/quilting seems to be all they need. Needs photos as well.
Still in the works:
ACEOs Stonehenge with Standing stones, there are - 7, ironed on freezer paper ready to thread paint, I have gray in the machine ought to do that soon!
Ronn's commission:
I cut the hanging sleeve and strips to use for facing from the backing fabric. Have decided to not bind this one. I am getting closer to embellishment potential... in my head.
No progress on Deep Spaces, but have been gathering a few more specific beads to consider.
Will try to locate the bargello elements for an Autumn table topper I have in a box, somewhere!
Playing with 'Ask me about my Etsy shop flags' from the Spoonflower fabric, likely 2 sided. What to use for sticks and stands?
The inevitable new stuff:
Day of the Dead Table runner/toppers altar cloths for Samhain, and other Day of the dead celebrations. Plan an ACEO series that will sport hand sharpie designs on skull beads I picked up at the craft store. Well, that's the plan anyway! Fabric is washed and machine dried! I won't let myself start....
Also washed fabric for Darcy's Commission, Harvest Moon~ brainstorming the quilting design, getting there in my head... The actual construction will be straight forward.
Picked up some fun fabric at the Weekend Market. A Christmas paisley and a harvest scene. Over 2 yards of each, already washed and dried. Also washed 3+ yards of a pre-sewn patchwork fabric I got on Christmas clearance last year, table topper/runner backs perhaps.
I want to finish as many lap sized quilts for Mother Joseph Bazaar as I can, I have quite a list of tops waiting to be quilted!
I find it very hard to photograph beaded textiles, another skill I am developing, slowly! Also need to find out if I can get my scanner to make a jpeg not a copy. Better imaging for the ACEOs. So much to learn so little time!
Friday, July 29, 2011
I have been knitting, again...
Knitting has been my choice of busy work as of late. I find myself picking up the knitting needles and grabbing a ball of yarn when I am feeling stuck creatively and need to feel I am doing something productive and somewhat creative as I love the look and feel of yarn. I have a collection of unique yarn, I have collected when it is on close out sale or at the thrift store.
I picked up 3 balls of a mixed blue and white eyelash and nubby yarn combo for free at a yard sale a few weeks back. It knit up into a nice scarf. Then I started a strictly eyelash variegated 'mexicana' with bright orange, red and purple stripes. It ended up over 6 feet long. I was going to use 4 skeins but it was already long enough with three! Makes me think of the Tom Baker Dr Who. Just the other night I started another narrow lattice yarn scarf in pastels. Recently finished a jewel toned one, just before the blue & white one. The jewel tones had been sitting in a bag for months, I wanted the needles so I finished it up.
Last year I gave a bunch of scarves away at work, I had listed a few on Etsy but they didn't sell. There are some amazing fiber artists on Etsy, creating fantastic works, I wasn't surprised mine sat, unnoticed.
This past week I began to think about the disappointments I have recently encountered with my quilting/embellishment, to see if I can work past this bump in the road.
-didn't finish the Deep Spaces Challenge piece in time
-didn't get accepted into the Pacific West Quilt Show
-didn't finish Symbols for the Etsy Pagan Team Challenge Healing Intent in time, and the cirtisolve method for transferring text to the symbols fabric hasn't worked
-sales in my Etsy shop and at the Olympia Weekend Market have been nonexistent
-I spent a long time sewing a 'quilt as you go' piece that didn't turn out to my expectations and remains in the 'yea, not likely to finish that one' pile
-my first Stonehenge Challenge piece for Bayview Quilting stalled
So the questions has become, "Where am I now and what do I need to do so I can get my hands in the works again? What am I stuck on?"
To get a handle on that I will look at a progress update. What HAVE I been doing?
1. I wrote a blog post for the Olympia Etsy Team blog about Bayside Quilting that was recently posted- Check it out!
It is about the Stonehenge Challenge piece I did finish! It is the Stonehenge panel cut and fused then stippled with my doodling. Though I am a bit disappointed only 3 people turned something in...
I have since looked at the unfinished bargello elements and decided they are useable, need a nice border then quilting, so that is a salvaged disappointment! Whew!
2. Deep Spaces has more beads on it but it is to the point where I need to be resting it on the table for support so it limits when and where I can work on it. When something needs specifics like that it gets put at the bottom of the list.
3. Finally quilted Ronn's commission! I was unable to see the quilting, black on black, well enough to quilt with my random stippling design. Ended up just doing a random stipple, I am not as happy with it as I would have been if the thread had let me see it well enough to use my unique designs. It is now ready for embellishment and has stalled... I did hang the piece in his front room one evening so I could 'see' it in its future residence, that has helped some!
4. I have 3 ACEO series ready for embellishment!
-Stonehenge with Standing stones, 7 I think
-Seam Allowance Stonehenge Abstract about 17 and there are also 27 inchies cut of this!
- I cut 4 from the Mirror Mirror practice layer and trimmed the edges
5. FINALLY got a picture of Char's quilt so I can actually get it in the mail... maybe this month? It is a California King size ~108 X 108 inches! I love the traditional Kaleidoscope pattern, like Storm at Sea it makes Circles visually out of Straight lines!

I have never worked a 12 step program through, though I have read a lot about how. This quilt is part of my personal recovery [restitution, making up for things I did or didn't do because alcohol and codependency were more important that people in my life]. Not an easy 'step' but a necessary one. There are a few other projects in this 'step', but for now it feels okay to move forward with other things.
So, there is no shortage of projects to pick up and fly with... just a question of why I am feeling stuck.... I have made a few lists of projects available to work on. Just a matter of getting all Nike, "Just Do It!"
Today I am going to go to Shipwreck Beads and wander around a bit. Sometimes I go and I want everything, other times I leave with nothing as I am struggling to 'see' what I want or need. I hope today I pick up a few embellishments for Ronn's Commission, might get me started on that project!
Midsummer is coming to an end, This weekend marks the quarter day between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. I have been thinking about what I have 'planted' and what I am 'harvesting' as the Autumn approaches. The current economic and political climate causes me anxiety and I have become quite political on my personal facebook page!
I also started a fan page for my Etsy shop:
I picked up 3 balls of a mixed blue and white eyelash and nubby yarn combo for free at a yard sale a few weeks back. It knit up into a nice scarf. Then I started a strictly eyelash variegated 'mexicana' with bright orange, red and purple stripes. It ended up over 6 feet long. I was going to use 4 skeins but it was already long enough with three! Makes me think of the Tom Baker Dr Who. Just the other night I started another narrow lattice yarn scarf in pastels. Recently finished a jewel toned one, just before the blue & white one. The jewel tones had been sitting in a bag for months, I wanted the needles so I finished it up.
Last year I gave a bunch of scarves away at work, I had listed a few on Etsy but they didn't sell. There are some amazing fiber artists on Etsy, creating fantastic works, I wasn't surprised mine sat, unnoticed.
This past week I began to think about the disappointments I have recently encountered with my quilting/embellishment, to see if I can work past this bump in the road.
-didn't finish the Deep Spaces Challenge piece in time
-didn't get accepted into the Pacific West Quilt Show
-didn't finish Symbols for the Etsy Pagan Team Challenge Healing Intent in time, and the cirtisolve method for transferring text to the symbols fabric hasn't worked
-sales in my Etsy shop and at the Olympia Weekend Market have been nonexistent
-I spent a long time sewing a 'quilt as you go' piece that didn't turn out to my expectations and remains in the 'yea, not likely to finish that one' pile
-my first Stonehenge Challenge piece for Bayview Quilting stalled
So the questions has become, "Where am I now and what do I need to do so I can get my hands in the works again? What am I stuck on?"
To get a handle on that I will look at a progress update. What HAVE I been doing?
1. I wrote a blog post for the Olympia Etsy Team blog about Bayside Quilting that was recently posted- Check it out!
It is about the Stonehenge Challenge piece I did finish! It is the Stonehenge panel cut and fused then stippled with my doodling. Though I am a bit disappointed only 3 people turned something in...
I have since looked at the unfinished bargello elements and decided they are useable, need a nice border then quilting, so that is a salvaged disappointment! Whew!
2. Deep Spaces has more beads on it but it is to the point where I need to be resting it on the table for support so it limits when and where I can work on it. When something needs specifics like that it gets put at the bottom of the list.
3. Finally quilted Ronn's commission! I was unable to see the quilting, black on black, well enough to quilt with my random stippling design. Ended up just doing a random stipple, I am not as happy with it as I would have been if the thread had let me see it well enough to use my unique designs. It is now ready for embellishment and has stalled... I did hang the piece in his front room one evening so I could 'see' it in its future residence, that has helped some!
4. I have 3 ACEO series ready for embellishment!
-Stonehenge with Standing stones, 7 I think
-Seam Allowance Stonehenge Abstract about 17 and there are also 27 inchies cut of this!
- I cut 4 from the Mirror Mirror practice layer and trimmed the edges
5. FINALLY got a picture of Char's quilt so I can actually get it in the mail... maybe this month? It is a California King size ~108 X 108 inches! I love the traditional Kaleidoscope pattern, like Storm at Sea it makes Circles visually out of Straight lines!

I have never worked a 12 step program through, though I have read a lot about how. This quilt is part of my personal recovery [restitution, making up for things I did or didn't do because alcohol and codependency were more important that people in my life]. Not an easy 'step' but a necessary one. There are a few other projects in this 'step', but for now it feels okay to move forward with other things.
So, there is no shortage of projects to pick up and fly with... just a question of why I am feeling stuck.... I have made a few lists of projects available to work on. Just a matter of getting all Nike, "Just Do It!"
Today I am going to go to Shipwreck Beads and wander around a bit. Sometimes I go and I want everything, other times I leave with nothing as I am struggling to 'see' what I want or need. I hope today I pick up a few embellishments for Ronn's Commission, might get me started on that project!
Midsummer is coming to an end, This weekend marks the quarter day between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. I have been thinking about what I have 'planted' and what I am 'harvesting' as the Autumn approaches. The current economic and political climate causes me anxiety and I have become quite political on my personal facebook page!
I also started a fan page for my Etsy shop:
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summer Solstice Sun! My faforite time of year!
I have a bad habit of over using exclamation marks. None the less, this is a great season, the sun gives me energy to think and do things.
I have been brainstorming and doing design work on a couple things pretty consistently. New thing is I have begun to keep a log on my desktop for the various projects I have going. Fun to see a couple of them morph and merge to a potential idea using one of my symbols fabrics.
1. "Baby Steps" was not accepted into the Pacific West Quilt Show. Only about half of all entered quilts were selected. I am disappointed but will try to not make it a stopper. Just another step along the path.
On my wall I now have several potential deadlines pinned up in hopes I will actually take another step forward.
2. Deep Spaces... I started a log on my desktop documenting the beads I am using and will back post design inspirations & current progress next time I work on it! Noted the great beads I have added:

I purchased them on Etsy when some one ws destashing, she said they are from Electrobach, but I have not found any information about her.
Also have these great beads already sewn on:
They are from:
Anyway it is a fun one and will eventually have a ton of beads on it. There is a pretty stiff interfacing in the layer.
So, 1,2, skip a few
Lots not moved forward the numbers no longer correspond with previous projects in line! :)
3. Got the 3 crazy Nines quilted and on the rack at the Weekend Market the first of June. Trying to get a few things ready for next weekend, seems to rush up on me all the time!!
4. Ronn's wall hanging/ commission is layered and ready for quilting, soon I hope!
5.Lot's of work on Symbols design(s), it has morphed into two different presentations, one with the 4 directional goddesses, one with the sun, earth and green man.... I have been prepping materials, elements, looking forward to starting the sewing part!
I've been listening to some great stuff from Celia not just the Symbol song.
And I discovered Neil Young's Living with War page has great links to current protest songs against war, LWW
I found it after I purchased a copy of CSNY Deja Vue DVD. If you haven't seen it, it is a great documentary of their Freedom of Speech Tour in 2006, released in 2008. As we approach this next political round of chaos we would do well to remember we are still living with war, every day.
6. I am trying to get a quilt finished for the Stonehenge Challenge at the local quilt shop:
Bayside Quilting
Check it out:
The Royal Stonehenge Challenge
This challenge begins on Friday-the day of the Royal wedding!! And what could be more British than Stonehenge??? We challenge you to use a minimum of one Stonehenge panel and add any fabric you'd like to create your entry into the Royal Challenge!! Stonehenge panels are 50% off-while quantities last. Use as many as you want!-but you must use one!
Bring your entry in by July 12th. We will hang the entries and voting begins July 15. Cast your vote for your favorite entry July 15 through August 15. Viewer's Choice will be selected by popular vote and the winner receive a $50.00 gift certificate.
I've cut strips for strata, potential bargello. I've strip cut the panel! Should be interesting. I have 4 great fabrics from the Maui - Maui Stonehenge collection by Linda Ludovico, from Northcott
very bright and sunny to celebrate the Summer Solstice!!
I know it was a push to clear the line before new fabrics arrived, but it will be interesting to see if I can get local challenge completed in time!
I have more to say but as always, if I do not get to the sewing machine I will not make any of the things in my head! I'm thinking of renting the long arm this weekend, Sunday... we shall see. I have a couple quilts I could work on and have ready for the Weekend Market.
Decided I best update before the month got away from me! Going to have a Yule/Christmas in July sale in my Etsy shop next month! I have a ton of items expired and ready to re-list! Might get me to post here next weekend!
I have been brainstorming and doing design work on a couple things pretty consistently. New thing is I have begun to keep a log on my desktop for the various projects I have going. Fun to see a couple of them morph and merge to a potential idea using one of my symbols fabrics.
1. "Baby Steps" was not accepted into the Pacific West Quilt Show. Only about half of all entered quilts were selected. I am disappointed but will try to not make it a stopper. Just another step along the path.
On my wall I now have several potential deadlines pinned up in hopes I will actually take another step forward.
2. Deep Spaces... I started a log on my desktop documenting the beads I am using and will back post design inspirations & current progress next time I work on it! Noted the great beads I have added:

I purchased them on Etsy when some one ws destashing, she said they are from Electrobach, but I have not found any information about her.
Also have these great beads already sewn on:

karibeads on Etsy:
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"Anyway it is a fun one and will eventually have a ton of beads on it. There is a pretty stiff interfacing in the layer.
So, 1,2, skip a few
Lots not moved forward the numbers no longer correspond with previous projects in line! :)
3. Got the 3 crazy Nines quilted and on the rack at the Weekend Market the first of June. Trying to get a few things ready for next weekend, seems to rush up on me all the time!!
4. Ronn's wall hanging/ commission is layered and ready for quilting, soon I hope!
5.Lot's of work on Symbols design(s), it has morphed into two different presentations, one with the 4 directional goddesses, one with the sun, earth and green man.... I have been prepping materials, elements, looking forward to starting the sewing part!
I've been listening to some great stuff from Celia not just the Symbol song.
And I discovered Neil Young's Living with War page has great links to current protest songs against war, LWW
I found it after I purchased a copy of CSNY Deja Vue DVD. If you haven't seen it, it is a great documentary of their Freedom of Speech Tour in 2006, released in 2008. As we approach this next political round of chaos we would do well to remember we are still living with war, every day.
6. I am trying to get a quilt finished for the Stonehenge Challenge at the local quilt shop:
Bayside Quilting
Check it out:
The Royal Stonehenge Challenge
This challenge begins on Friday-the day of the Royal wedding!! And what could be more British than Stonehenge??? We challenge you to use a minimum of one Stonehenge panel and add any fabric you'd like to create your entry into the Royal Challenge!! Stonehenge panels are 50% off-while quantities last. Use as many as you want!-but you must use one!
Bring your entry in by July 12th. We will hang the entries and voting begins July 15. Cast your vote for your favorite entry July 15 through August 15. Viewer's Choice will be selected by popular vote and the winner receive a $50.00 gift certificate.
I've cut strips for strata, potential bargello. I've strip cut the panel! Should be interesting. I have 4 great fabrics from the Maui - Maui Stonehenge collection by Linda Ludovico, from Northcott
very bright and sunny to celebrate the Summer Solstice!!
I know it was a push to clear the line before new fabrics arrived, but it will be interesting to see if I can get local challenge completed in time!
I have more to say but as always, if I do not get to the sewing machine I will not make any of the things in my head! I'm thinking of renting the long arm this weekend, Sunday... we shall see. I have a couple quilts I could work on and have ready for the Weekend Market.
Decided I best update before the month got away from me! Going to have a Yule/Christmas in July sale in my Etsy shop next month! I have a ton of items expired and ready to re-list! Might get me to post here next weekend!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day...
Today I am thankful for my mother. I continue to learn much from her and am grateful for our conversations. She can tell when I am feeling disconnected as well because I stop calling her quite so regularly. So here is a quick update because I also updated my mom today. Why disconnected... self reflection on my presumptuousness and then lack of follow through for unknown reason. Why would a positive comment cause me to stop. Perhaps the realization that other people actually read this random musing of mine on occasion.
Since February I have been to the Weekend Market for the first weekends in March, April and May, as well as, Arts Walk Weekend April 23 & 24. I have had new work to hang all but this past weekend.
I had a bad cold and it has taken nearly 3 weeks to feel myself again. That on top of a few emotional roller coaster rides which saw a light at the end of the tunnel when the Pacific West Quilt Show extended it's online deadline to May 6th.
With that note on to the updating:
1- I really did it. I sent off an entry to the Pacific West Quilt Show, I purchased a new camera because my old one was too old to shoot required jpgs to enter. I almost got someone to shoot pictures for me before I got a camera but it was a big challenge due to both our schedules. I am having a hard time believing I actually did it. I suspect I will get a drawer full of rejection slips before I find my niche. Baby Steps.
I want to develop a data base of my work, with good images so I can not fret over the details if I want to enter other shows. Also can note completed dates, etc.
I want to create a catalog of my work with statements to have available at the Market and other places I might vend. I can select one or 2 pieces to display and offer the catalog, my card and a discount code.
The Weekend Market has given me the exposure to random strangers' opinions of my work in adequate doses for me to start to believe in my potential as more than magical thinking on my part, or the Big Frog/Little Pond Syndrome.
2- I did not finish my piece for the Deep Spaces Challenge. When it is released I will be sure to announce it, both my finished piece and the exhibit. Lots of whys, some design stalls, some really wanting new work for the Market, some need for family time and the unfortunate need for extra sleep the last 2 weeks available to work on it. Maybe too big a fear of rejection after I have boasted about working on it for so long... heavy sigh.
3- The 'Here We Are" challenge piece top is completed. In line waiting to be layered and quilted.
In the pile, with 2 other tops, a star made with a line of fabric I can't recall the designer of at the moment and the pink, black and white bargello circles. The 3 Crazy Nines tops have been layered and sewn. One is pillow turned ready to pin for quilting. They are small. I wanted them for the Market but it was okay I didn't get to them they are still here. :)
4. I finished the "Turning of the Wheel" challenge piece from the Earth Path Artisans Street Team on Etsy. I decided to make it a teaching shawl, but it could get a sleeve if someone wanted one. I took pictures at it's debute at the Weekend Market. Then today someone at the Market told me there is a new Zodiac sign. I will have to look into that!
5. I layered pillow turned and quilted Conan's Pisces graphic design and it is listed on Etsy. Hung it at the Market and have had a lot of great comments. Especially to his design. I look forward to many more collaborations.
6. I completed the applique of Ronn's wall hanging/ commission. The positive of Conan's Pisces with additional elements of mine. Going to machine quilt it in my own designs, then decide if I will bead it or not. I estimated 80 - 90 hours of hand applique. Unfortunately I believe it has taken me 6 months. A little tedious to say the least. Hope the next phases go by more quickly.
7. Brainstorming a quilt called Symbols, Celia has granted me permission to use her lyrics in my work! More on this later!
8. Brainstorming Pagan Team Spring Challenge - Healing Intent due July 1st
7 & 8 may be one and the same...
To fill in a few blanks I went looking for writing I know I've done in the last 3 months, I came across this:
As the year waxes to full light in the Northern Hemisphere it is the time of year when I am more connected to that part of me that can express itself in unique ways, my imagination. I need room for growth in the fullness of the year. Letting go of previous works gracefully would be nice! I stand on the edge of another opportunity to find the key to maintaining a greater grip on reality all winter long! Not in a psychotic way, but a neurotic one for sure. The darkness of self doubt and egocentric motivations clouding my sight.
This was dated May 23, 2010. I get lost in the winter, I think less this year though...
Bad me, no pictures tonight. Getting late think I'll turn in and get a good nights sleep!
Since February I have been to the Weekend Market for the first weekends in March, April and May, as well as, Arts Walk Weekend April 23 & 24. I have had new work to hang all but this past weekend.
I had a bad cold and it has taken nearly 3 weeks to feel myself again. That on top of a few emotional roller coaster rides which saw a light at the end of the tunnel when the Pacific West Quilt Show extended it's online deadline to May 6th.
With that note on to the updating:
1- I really did it. I sent off an entry to the Pacific West Quilt Show, I purchased a new camera because my old one was too old to shoot required jpgs to enter. I almost got someone to shoot pictures for me before I got a camera but it was a big challenge due to both our schedules. I am having a hard time believing I actually did it. I suspect I will get a drawer full of rejection slips before I find my niche. Baby Steps.
I want to develop a data base of my work, with good images so I can not fret over the details if I want to enter other shows. Also can note completed dates, etc.
I want to create a catalog of my work with statements to have available at the Market and other places I might vend. I can select one or 2 pieces to display and offer the catalog, my card and a discount code.
The Weekend Market has given me the exposure to random strangers' opinions of my work in adequate doses for me to start to believe in my potential as more than magical thinking on my part, or the Big Frog/Little Pond Syndrome.
2- I did not finish my piece for the Deep Spaces Challenge. When it is released I will be sure to announce it, both my finished piece and the exhibit. Lots of whys, some design stalls, some really wanting new work for the Market, some need for family time and the unfortunate need for extra sleep the last 2 weeks available to work on it. Maybe too big a fear of rejection after I have boasted about working on it for so long... heavy sigh.
3- The 'Here We Are" challenge piece top is completed. In line waiting to be layered and quilted.
In the pile, with 2 other tops, a star made with a line of fabric I can't recall the designer of at the moment and the pink, black and white bargello circles. The 3 Crazy Nines tops have been layered and sewn. One is pillow turned ready to pin for quilting. They are small. I wanted them for the Market but it was okay I didn't get to them they are still here. :)
4. I finished the "Turning of the Wheel" challenge piece from the Earth Path Artisans Street Team on Etsy. I decided to make it a teaching shawl, but it could get a sleeve if someone wanted one. I took pictures at it's debute at the Weekend Market. Then today someone at the Market told me there is a new Zodiac sign. I will have to look into that!
5. I layered pillow turned and quilted Conan's Pisces graphic design and it is listed on Etsy. Hung it at the Market and have had a lot of great comments. Especially to his design. I look forward to many more collaborations.
6. I completed the applique of Ronn's wall hanging/ commission. The positive of Conan's Pisces with additional elements of mine. Going to machine quilt it in my own designs, then decide if I will bead it or not. I estimated 80 - 90 hours of hand applique. Unfortunately I believe it has taken me 6 months. A little tedious to say the least. Hope the next phases go by more quickly.
7. Brainstorming a quilt called Symbols, Celia has granted me permission to use her lyrics in my work! More on this later!
8. Brainstorming Pagan Team Spring Challenge - Healing Intent due July 1st
7 & 8 may be one and the same...
To fill in a few blanks I went looking for writing I know I've done in the last 3 months, I came across this:
As the year waxes to full light in the Northern Hemisphere it is the time of year when I am more connected to that part of me that can express itself in unique ways, my imagination. I need room for growth in the fullness of the year. Letting go of previous works gracefully would be nice! I stand on the edge of another opportunity to find the key to maintaining a greater grip on reality all winter long! Not in a psychotic way, but a neurotic one for sure. The darkness of self doubt and egocentric motivations clouding my sight.
This was dated May 23, 2010. I get lost in the winter, I think less this year though...
Bad me, no pictures tonight. Getting late think I'll turn in and get a good nights sleep!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Life... it keeps on keeping on!
Why does it take so long to return from a place of confusion? And why does it seem to be a series of 3 steps forward 2 steps back, so often obvious only in hindsight?
Reconciling the past with the present to project ourselves into the future is rift with deep holes. The only word I need is Awareness. Like any act of meditation conscious living requires a mantra and/or focal to draw me near. That's what/where my playing with color, textiles, embellishments including the quilting, give/take me.
The hitch can be it is still required I give an active effort to take myself back to what it is I'm doing here anyway in the process. I am so easily distracted!
I have been focusing on several potential deadlines. Am I wanting to push myself toward hard enough to actually do it? How do they all fit with staying on task, current needs & expectations... verses wants...
1- entering the Pacific West Quilt Show in Tacoma this year. [Feels like a big step, and felt so out of reach until most recently, I'm in a 3 steps forward moment of life!]
2- Making/finishing my piece for the Deep Spaces Challenge being hosted by Larkin Jean Van Horn.
3- Finish the 'Here We Are" challenge piece..., revisit and finish the "Turning of the Wheel" challenge piece.
4- Finish old projects & making new work to hang at Weekend Market. I will be there again the first weekend in March.
It has turned into a list of things to do... yikes!
Okay progress update:
Here We Are- corners attached border 1 cut, need to be pieced. I need to square the quilt. Doesn't fold in half well!
Graphic Commission- making slow continuous progress!
Deep Spaces- Finally did the machine quilting, thread painting! Ready to start bead embellishment. Was searching images of what's been going on now art wise. Have run across some great artists. Take a look at Jimmy McBride , very cool!
Found a box of my Teddy Bears in Conan's closet when he reclaimed his living space. A collection that is now, amazingly 20+ years old. I am going to list them on Etsy under vintage and see if I can sell them. Mostly North American Bear Company bears. Six years ago I tried to see if a local Ebay dealer would list them but they weren't of high enough value to make it worth her while. Now, 6 years later some are valued at over $100. That's worth my time to photo, list, ship. I not only gain space in my house, but a few more dollars, potentially. So today I got them all out, dusted and took a group photo! Now to do individual series... time elusive time. I am distracted and off to work outside, the sun is shinning!
Reconciling the past with the present to project ourselves into the future is rift with deep holes. The only word I need is Awareness. Like any act of meditation conscious living requires a mantra and/or focal to draw me near. That's what/where my playing with color, textiles, embellishments including the quilting, give/take me.
The hitch can be it is still required I give an active effort to take myself back to what it is I'm doing here anyway in the process. I am so easily distracted!
I have been focusing on several potential deadlines. Am I wanting to push myself toward hard enough to actually do it? How do they all fit with staying on task, current needs & expectations... verses wants...
1- entering the Pacific West Quilt Show in Tacoma this year. [Feels like a big step, and felt so out of reach until most recently, I'm in a 3 steps forward moment of life!]
2- Making/finishing my piece for the Deep Spaces Challenge being hosted by Larkin Jean Van Horn.
3- Finish the 'Here We Are" challenge piece..., revisit and finish the "Turning of the Wheel" challenge piece.
4- Finish old projects & making new work to hang at Weekend Market. I will be there again the first weekend in March.
It has turned into a list of things to do... yikes!
Okay progress update:
Here We Are- corners attached border 1 cut, need to be pieced. I need to square the quilt. Doesn't fold in half well!
Graphic Commission- making slow continuous progress!
Deep Spaces- Finally did the machine quilting, thread painting! Ready to start bead embellishment. Was searching images of what's been going on now art wise. Have run across some great artists. Take a look at Jimmy McBride , very cool!
Found a box of my Teddy Bears in Conan's closet when he reclaimed his living space. A collection that is now, amazingly 20+ years old. I am going to list them on Etsy under vintage and see if I can sell them. Mostly North American Bear Company bears. Six years ago I tried to see if a local Ebay dealer would list them but they weren't of high enough value to make it worth her while. Now, 6 years later some are valued at over $100. That's worth my time to photo, list, ship. I not only gain space in my house, but a few more dollars, potentially. So today I got them all out, dusted and took a group photo! Now to do individual series... time elusive time. I am distracted and off to work outside, the sun is shinning!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
More Progress and Happenings! And more treasuries!
The progress made on current projects:
1- A large wall hanging commission for a friend. Currently hand embroidering around the edges of the elements.
I'd estimate at 2/3rds, up from an eighth, of the embroidery complete!
2- The 'Here We Are' challenge piece for the Pagan Team on Etsy.
So I didn't get it completed to enter the challenge but continue to work on the design. The border/corners are coming together. Figured a way to reverse applique the center element to its borders, went well. Will now apply the corner the same way.
3- A piece I have been brainstorming for the Deep Spaces Exhibit.
I got the borders on the whole cloth background. Layered with batting and a heavy interfacing to support the beads I will use to embellish. Ready to quilt, the design is solidifying! I layered 3 ACEOs to practice the quilting and bead embroidery on before the big one!
Two weeks ago I rented the long arm machine at Bayside Quilting.I was able to finish quilting 2 twin sized, ~50 X 70 inches, quilts. I used a 108 inch backing fabric and turned the piece long wise, it was 2.5 yards wide to accommodate the length!
One I have already turned the back to the front and machine stitched the edge. The other the bias binding is on but needs hand sewing to the back. The later is a challenge I had with a quilting friend many years ago. I played with free motion quilting a leaf design and used a variegated bright thread! I will get them listed to etsy eventually. Maybe images posted here before I wash and, dry them to pucker the batting.
The 5th and 6th of January I spent the weekend at the Olympia Weekend Market!
The reason I got so much of the above noted hand work finished! It was a free booth weekend and I wanted to see if it was somewhere the Etsy Olyteam and/or I would be interested in renting space on a regular basis. I am now considering renting a booth the first weekend of the next few months to get my work out and available. Once summer hits the Market is only 2 - 3 blocks from the Farmers Market... a good idea to be somewhere in the vicinity as getting a space at the Farmers Market is limited, they really do like people who sell their farm goods after all.
Here's an image of my booth!

And then there are the 3 new treasuries from Etsy!
Check out the great work available on Etsy!
1- A large wall hanging commission for a friend. Currently hand embroidering around the edges of the elements.
I'd estimate at 2/3rds, up from an eighth, of the embroidery complete!
2- The 'Here We Are' challenge piece for the Pagan Team on Etsy.
So I didn't get it completed to enter the challenge but continue to work on the design. The border/corners are coming together. Figured a way to reverse applique the center element to its borders, went well. Will now apply the corner the same way.
3- A piece I have been brainstorming for the Deep Spaces Exhibit.
I got the borders on the whole cloth background. Layered with batting and a heavy interfacing to support the beads I will use to embellish. Ready to quilt, the design is solidifying! I layered 3 ACEOs to practice the quilting and bead embroidery on before the big one!
Two weeks ago I rented the long arm machine at Bayside Quilting.I was able to finish quilting 2 twin sized, ~50 X 70 inches, quilts. I used a 108 inch backing fabric and turned the piece long wise, it was 2.5 yards wide to accommodate the length!
One I have already turned the back to the front and machine stitched the edge. The other the bias binding is on but needs hand sewing to the back. The later is a challenge I had with a quilting friend many years ago. I played with free motion quilting a leaf design and used a variegated bright thread! I will get them listed to etsy eventually. Maybe images posted here before I wash and, dry them to pucker the batting.
The 5th and 6th of January I spent the weekend at the Olympia Weekend Market!
The reason I got so much of the above noted hand work finished! It was a free booth weekend and I wanted to see if it was somewhere the Etsy Olyteam and/or I would be interested in renting space on a regular basis. I am now considering renting a booth the first weekend of the next few months to get my work out and available. Once summer hits the Market is only 2 - 3 blocks from the Farmers Market... a good idea to be somewhere in the vicinity as getting a space at the Farmers Market is limited, they really do like people who sell their farm goods after all.
Here's an image of my booth!

And then there are the 3 new treasuries from Etsy!
Check out the great work available on Etsy!
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