Welcome! I am a Textile Artist living in Olympia, Washington. This is mostly a journal of my creative projects and thoughts. My work is available for sale on Etsy.com
Monday, April 20, 2009
Unique Art Collection
Grab a cup of coffee, visit the site: http://cloudery.typepad.com/mvsevm/
and enjoy the view~
I have also chosen to advertise through this venue. It was an opportunity, and I liked the idea of supporting another artist's display of work they find interesting. I also like her choices, I appreciate unique art! There is no need for me to be 'involved' with this venue beyond enjoying the art selected for viewing. A way to get traffic to my shop with out required activity on my part. That sounds like a plan to me!
This weekend I made a pair of pants... perhaps a start to the clothing muse I have been missing for some time! Usually I make dresses, I need a new one of those too!
The day job calls!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Miniatures finally listed on Etsy!

The listing was only for the furniture, you can see some of my accessories as seen in my previous post of my shadow box of unique miniature things!
The jade bed has it's mattress! I am designing the mini quilt in my head still... I have cut coordinating 1 1/2 inch strips to play with! I have been entertaining sewing up a few of the table toppers I have yet top finish, more serious consideration that I have done since last fall! There is hope I will return to sewing soon!
I must get ready for the ever interfering day job! Enjoy the spring weather in the northern hemisphere people!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring, ever an awakening!
To see my work:
Follow the link in the left margin to Paintings and Wall Art to http://www.designstyleguide.net/byDepartment.php?dp=6&pr=25&ps=1
the directory to Art categories in left margin follow Fiber Art to http://www.designstyleguide.net/byCategory.php?dp=6&ct=146&pr=25&ps=1
page 1 of the gallery displaying some of the most wonderful fiber art I am happy to share the wall with!
Currently a few of my pieces are displayed on the Last Page, you can jump there http://www.designstyleguide.net/byCategory.php?tm=&mi=0&dp=6&ct=146&cl=0&st=0&rm=0&mt=0&ps=1&pr=25&btnLast=Last+Page
and see my work and follow the link back to my individual gallery, with links to my Etsy Shop, www.Cobaltquilter.etsy.com.
If you enjoy fiber art, get a cup of coffee and enjoy the tour. No need to start with my work though, I am still creeping out of the winter darkness, not much new art posted for some time. It is as I said, a wonderful collection of a fiber art techniques, all with links on to additional galleries of each individuals work. An easy place to wonder for a few minutes to regain the personal perspective, my experience, I express in my work in creative reflection of others perspectives.
A friend and I recently discussed the whole, over all hindrance to 'culturalution' (evolution of our human culture, might be a word I made up! :) may well come down to our amazing human ability to see order in chaos. Personal perspective. Community equals shared perspective. In all it's individual choices. From the art I like to the spiritual perspective I ascribe to, I belong to different communities. This wonderful human talent hinders the opportunity for two greatly opposed perspectives gaining momentum, culturalution, to bring us to a global awareness of 'whose perspective' might be the one to advance us to a more human existence, for all of us, regardless of our circumstances. Sounds simple enough to step in and tip the balance with sharing perspective for the one 'right' perspective. The balance is much more delicate and fluid than a bipolar limitation.
A rather wordy support for art education/exposure/discussion/expression! From the beginning, because it's fun! As the weather heads toward more light and less gray in the Pacific North West I enjoy the returning creative energy. No new images to show... still trying to satisfy the miniature muse. I have yet to take the time to figure out how to cut and paste in the create or edit mode of blogging yet so in hind sight I see this post may well seem disjointed, or random some might say! The self promotion was a surprising thing to see! I must start somewhere~ speaking of starting, there is a list I want to work on!