I have been brainstorming and doing design work on a couple things pretty consistently. New thing is I have begun to keep a log on my desktop for the various projects I have going. Fun to see a couple of them morph and merge to a potential idea using one of my symbols fabrics.
1. "Baby Steps" was not accepted into the Pacific West Quilt Show. Only about half of all entered quilts were selected. I am disappointed but will try to not make it a stopper. Just another step along the path.
On my wall I now have several potential deadlines pinned up in hopes I will actually take another step forward.
2. Deep Spaces... I started a log on my desktop documenting the beads I am using and will back post design inspirations & current progress next time I work on it! Noted the great beads I have added:

I purchased them on Etsy when some one ws destashing, she said they are from Electrobach, but I have not found any information about her.
Also have these great beads already sewn on:

karibeads on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/karibeads?ref=pr_shop_more
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"Anyway it is a fun one and will eventually have a ton of beads on it. There is a pretty stiff interfacing in the layer.
So, 1,2, skip a few
Lots not moved forward the numbers no longer correspond with previous projects in line! :)
3. Got the 3 crazy Nines quilted and on the rack at the Weekend Market the first of June. Trying to get a few things ready for next weekend, seems to rush up on me all the time!!
4. Ronn's wall hanging/ commission is layered and ready for quilting, soon I hope!
5.Lot's of work on Symbols design(s), it has morphed into two different presentations, one with the 4 directional goddesses, one with the sun, earth and green man.... I have been prepping materials, elements, looking forward to starting the sewing part!
I've been listening to some great stuff from Celia not just the Symbol song.
And I discovered Neil Young's Living with War page has great links to current protest songs against war, LWW
I found it after I purchased a copy of CSNY Deja Vue DVD. If you haven't seen it, it is a great documentary of their Freedom of Speech Tour in 2006, released in 2008. As we approach this next political round of chaos we would do well to remember we are still living with war, every day.
6. I am trying to get a quilt finished for the Stonehenge Challenge at the local quilt shop:
Bayside Quilting
Check it out: http://www.baysidequilting.com/NewStore.htm
The Royal Stonehenge Challenge
This challenge begins on Friday-the day of the Royal wedding!! And what could be more British than Stonehenge??? We challenge you to use a minimum of one Stonehenge panel and add any fabric you'd like to create your entry into the Royal Challenge!! Stonehenge panels are 50% off-while quantities last. Use as many as you want!-but you must use one!
Bring your entry in by July 12th. We will hang the entries and voting begins July 15. Cast your vote for your favorite entry July 15 through August 15. Viewer's Choice will be selected by popular vote and the winner receive a $50.00 gift certificate.
I've cut strips for strata, potential bargello. I've strip cut the panel! Should be interesting. I have 4 great fabrics from the Maui - Maui Stonehenge collection by Linda Ludovico, from Northcott
very bright and sunny to celebrate the Summer Solstice!!
I know it was a push to clear the line before new fabrics arrived, but it will be interesting to see if I can get local challenge completed in time!
I have more to say but as always, if I do not get to the sewing machine I will not make any of the things in my head! I'm thinking of renting the long arm this weekend, Sunday... we shall see. I have a couple quilts I could work on and have ready for the Weekend Market.
Decided I best update before the month got away from me! Going to have a Yule/Christmas in July sale in my Etsy shop next month! I have a ton of items expired and ready to re-list! Might get me to post here next weekend!