1- A large wall hanging commission for a friend. Currently hand embroidering around the edges of the elements.
I'd estimate at 2/3rds, up from an eighth, of the embroidery complete!
2- The 'Here We Are' challenge piece for the Pagan Team on Etsy.
So I didn't get it completed to enter the challenge but continue to work on the design. The border/corners are coming together. Figured a way to reverse applique the center element to its borders, went well. Will now apply the corner the same way.
3- A piece I have been brainstorming for the Deep Spaces Exhibit.
I got the borders on the whole cloth background. Layered with batting and a heavy interfacing to support the beads I will use to embellish. Ready to quilt, the design is solidifying! I layered 3 ACEOs to practice the quilting and bead embroidery on before the big one!
Two weeks ago I rented the long arm machine at Bayside Quilting.I was able to finish quilting 2 twin sized, ~50 X 70 inches, quilts. I used a 108 inch backing fabric and turned the piece long wise, it was 2.5 yards wide to accommodate the length!
One I have already turned the back to the front and machine stitched the edge. The other the bias binding is on but needs hand sewing to the back. The later is a challenge I had with a quilting friend many years ago. I played with free motion quilting a leaf design and used a variegated bright thread! I will get them listed to etsy eventually. Maybe images posted here before I wash and, dry them to pucker the batting.
The 5th and 6th of January I spent the weekend at the Olympia Weekend Market!
The reason I got so much of the above noted hand work finished! It was a free booth weekend and I wanted to see if it was somewhere the Etsy Olyteam and/or I would be interested in renting space on a regular basis. I am now considering renting a booth the first weekend of the next few months to get my work out and available. Once summer hits the Market is only 2 - 3 blocks from the Farmers Market... a good idea to be somewhere in the vicinity as getting a space at the Farmers Market is limited, they really do like people who sell their farm goods after all.
Here's an image of my booth!

And then there are the 3 new treasuries from Etsy!
Check out the great work available on Etsy!