I have been listing postcards! I have about half of them listed already. There are 6.5 X 4.5 inch Holly Stars and Gift boxes, and 4 X 6 inch Evergreen trees.
I am almost finished with 4 Winter Solstice/Yule table toppers. These are a bit smaller than my usual ones and will be great centerpieces or altar covers as well! I'll come back and post images when they are listed!
I have been collecting fabric for a challenge from Pagans of Etsy Street Team I am hosting titled, "We Are Here" in celebration on our new team page on Etsy and all the places we can be found on the web!
I have been playing with design options for a set of zodiac elements I have sitting in the 'do something with these' pile.
Also struggling with a commission for a friend who, thankfully, last night assured me I can take my time until it feels right and to make it so I like it too! Whew! I have been struggling with the graphic design options and not able to cut fabric yet. I am considering using one of Conan's more graphic designs as my inspiration... Ronn looked at some of Conan's work last night and agreed it would be great! Now to see if there is one that speaks to me more than another!
The Art Show/Sale hosted by Friends of the Olympia timberland Library raised over $1000 for their organization with 20% commissions from 27 artists. I sold several things. It encourages me to possibly reach out and participate in more local artist events... we shall see. There is so little free time and I want to spend it all making stuff!
Speaking of time, I am off to work on those table toppers!